Saturday, June 27, 2020

My Ebook is Now in Paperback

I was able to go to the next step in self-publishing my first book. Two weeks ago I formatted the paperback version of my book Gratitude: A Trio of Stories and then sent it off.  The book came back looking quite nice as you can see in the photo, but I didn't understand about the sizing, and so my book came out about the size of a coloring book, 11 inches by 8 and a half.  

I was pleased and excited with my first attempt, but my happiness was not complete since I thought the book would be the size of a trade paperback. Not one to give up easily, and before I drowned my self in editing and proofreading my next book, I decided to try to resize Gratitude smaller. I did the alteration last Sunday afternoon, and once again sent off for another copy of my book.  When I checked the mail tracker yesterday, my book had arrived in my state.  By the middle of next week, no later than the end, I should have received it if the US Postal Service doesn't lose it.  In the last few years the mail service in this country isn't what it once was, a very reliable and efficient branch of the government.  I am hoping there won't be any mishap, and that I will be pleased with my finished product.  

Unfortunately, I decided not to market the paperback version of my book. I only plan to have copies made for myself and family, but you can download Gratitude: A Trio of Stories free when you click on the image of the book on the right side of this page.  

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